1:1 Coaching, Group Coaching & Programs

Our Services


1:1 Coaching

This is your hour. Your time to say all the things you dare not speak out loud. One-on-one coaching sessions are scheduled weekly and run for a period of three months with the option to renew.

60 mins | CDN$150, US$125 | Get started


Group Coaching

Families or patient-caregiver teams sometimes find it difficult to communicate openly and productively. A cancer journey is filled with many difficult and uncomfortable conversations. These one-hour group coaching sessions create a safe and open space for those conversations and the emotions they stir up.

90 mins | CDN$200, US$175 | Get started


Back to Feeling Program

Geared to Caregivers and Survivors, this six-week program provides a framework for reconnecting to the full range of your emotions. We arm you with tools for processing and releasing your emotions, so you can shed your warrior’s armour and get back to living.

Six weeks | CDN$600, US$650 | Get started


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.