Healing isn’t all about medicine.

Healing is about you, too.

When you learn that you or a loved one has cancer, you lose an innocence you weren’t aware it was possible to claim as an adult.

You lose your sense of normalcy, control, safety, and security. All your hopes, dreams, and plans grind to a halt. The world instantly becomes a scarier place to exist. You lose who you were before cancer entered your life. Sometimes, you lose the plot for a minute or two (a few times a day). It’s challenging to make decisions from that place.

You might be struggling with any or all of the following:

  • Fatigue or low energy

  • Feeling overwhelmed and anxious

  • Fear — of the future, of the unknown

  • Feeling isolated/set apart from your ‘old life’ and those around you

  • Adjusting to a cancer journey you didn't expect and weren’t prepared for

This is where cancer coaching comes in. Where vulnerability comes in. Where you let me in, and we rediscover the you who got lost in this.


What is cancer coaching?

You have all of the skills you need to navigate this journey and the emotions it stirs up inside you. My job as your coach is to help you unlock them, using a variety of tools.

The most powerful of them? Listening. When you feel seen and heard, when you have a safe space to feel and explore your emotions, you stop the swirl. You get back into the driver’s seat of your own life.

Consider me your instructor, tucked into the passenger seat beside you. You’re the one behind the wheel. Where are we headed?


How a coach can support you

The cancer experience is incredibly overwhelming for all involved. It can feel as though your life has been put on hold. Long-held dreams and goals suddenly seem inaccessible, unimportant, or even pointless. Priorities shift.

When we enter survival mode, our gut instinct is to reach for coping mechanisms, some of which don’t serve us: Denial. Toxic positivity. Attempting to numb, distract, or check out via addictive behaviours.

How can I support you as your coach?

  • Help you get clarity on your challenges, fears, and worries

  • Support you in identifying your stress triggers

  • Arm you with tools to stop the spin and manage stress

  • Support you in identifying what is and isn’t working in your life

  • Reconnect you with your strengths and values

  • Help you shift from panic to powerful — so you can start living again


You might not be ready to schedule your first (complimentary!) coaching session yet. You’re overwhelmed. You’re unsure if this is for you. You have questions.

We get it. We love questions, and we have answers.

Have a question about our services, fees or even cancer coaching in general?

Fill out the form with your contact information and we’ll be in touch shortly.


Share your story with me, today.